Llamé al abogado de inmigración Armand porque no sabía que tenía una orden de deportación. Nunca recibí un aviso de que tenía que ir a la corte y el juez continuó mi audiencia sin mí y me ordenó deportada. Me reuní con Armand en su oficina y rápidamente investigó mi caso y presentó una moción para intentar reabrir mi caso de deportación. Ganamos y ahora puedo permanecer en los Estados Unidos sin temor a que alguien me arreste y deporte. Gracias a mi abogado de inmigración.
– Ismelda R.
We found Armand through a friend who recommended him and had a great experience using his services. My husband was detained by immigration because they came to the wrong house but found that he was living in the United States without documentation. I was desperate and called Armand for help. I was surprised when he answered because it was over the weekend and it was late but I am glad he did. He patiently listened to me and visited my husband at the detention center. He then devised a strategy to try and get him released from custody. THANK GOD WE FOUND HIM. Armand’s hard work led to the immigration judge giving my husband a bond. My husband is now home with us and we look forward to working with Armand to legalize him in the future. Armand is the best. I highly recommend him.
– Jennifer L.
Mi hijo fue arrestado por conducir sin licencia y luego la inmigración fue a buscarlo mientras estaba en la cárcel. Inmigración lo trasladó a un centro de detención que estaba sucio y no lo alimentaron. Queríamos sacarlo rápidamente. Llamamos a Armand y en unas pocas semanas el juez ya le dio una fianza de inmigración y lo liberó! Le debemos todo a nuestro abogado. Muy honesto e inteligente. El abogado luchas para la comunidad latina.
– Javier M.
Gracias por tu Desempeño estoy muy agradecido por tu Representación!! En un momento de angustia y desespero te contacte para representar a mi familiar detenido y a pocas horas para ser Deportado , la tranquilidad vino a mi cuando me das la Gran Noticia que lograste parar la Deportación . Aquí te dejo más de 5 estrellas estaré siempre siempre agradecido. Bendiciones, Armando.
– Baciny V.
Armand llevo mi proceso para obtener la residencia y gracias a Dios en 8 meses obtuve mi green card .Gracias Armand por tu profesionalismo.
– Ana L.
Lo recomiendo 100%. Excelente abogado!! Mas que satisfecha por su ayuda. Dios lo bendiga grandemente.
– Isem V.
Gracias Lic. Armand por su trabajo. Muchas gracias… Bendiciones totales para usted y su oficina.
– Wily G.
Excelente trabajo, gracias por su tiempo. Gracias por todo bendiciones siempre para su vida.. y no hay mas estrellas para darle mas gracias.
– Brayan A.
He is the best in the Houston area.
– Franklin A.
Removal of Conditional Status on Green Card

The best thing about dealing with Armand is clear instructions, thorough follow-up on every document and confidence in winning the case he gives you even before you start! And my husband and I are thrilled because our case has been approved in less than a month from the filing moment !! Usually you need to consider getting a reply within 3 months. It’s lot of work to prepare all the documents in the format they have to be submitted, and first time we filed them we didn’t know all those little nuances and culprits of filling the right stuff ! so we received an RFE (request for further evidence) and had to deal with it. Based on his experience and a multitude of similar successfully won cases Armand explained us exactly what we had to do – and believe me in a whirlpool of dozens of papers and emotions about this situation you do need a clear and logical person who will lead you through the bureaucratic jungle straight to success ! We are very happy with the results and highly recommend Armand as your friend and support in dealing with any immigration issue you might have confronted. Thank you Armand !!
– Ekaterina G.
Le Debo Mi Ciudadanía a Abogado Armand

He sido residente permanente legal de los Estados Unidos por más de 30 años. Siempre he querido ser un ciudadano de Estados Unidos, pero mi caso se complicó por una variedad de razones. Conocí a Armand por mi trabajo y inmediatamente me di cuenta de su pasión por ayudar a la comunidad latina. Armand me convenció de que podía ayudar a obtener mi ciudadanía. Me convertí en un ciudadano tan rapido y todo estaba hecho tan fácil con la ayuda de el. Armand es uno de los mejores abogados de inmigración en Houston. Él y su asistente legal hizo que mi proceso de ciudadanía increíblemente fácil. Le debo mi nueva vida. Gracias abogado.
– Carlos M.

Abogado Armand es un Abogado de Inmigración en Houston y es uno de los Mejores!
Abogado Armand es un gran abogado de inmigración en Houston. Gracias abogado Armand por su honestidad, su trabajo, su compromiso y profesionalismo, pude tener la Ciudadania de USA, una vez mas, gracia Dios lo continue bendiciendo prosperando le deseo lo mejor.
– Azucena

I want to thank Attorney Armand Jawanmardi for all his help in assisting me with my citizenship case. I first met Armand at an event held in Houston where attorneys donated their time free of charge to help people with citizenship application. He was kind knowledgeable and helped me fill out entire application. I ask for business card so I can keep contact.
I called Armand because I wanted him to review my application once more before mail. I arrive at his office and he donate his time to help me with the application. Since my case was difficult I decided to hire him later to prepare me for my citizenship interview and represent me during interview.
Armand always keep me informed in this process. I felt very prepared in our practice meeting. During the interview everything Armand told me actually happen. I was quickly approved my citizenship. Thank you Armand for your hard work and for caring about me. I highly recommend him to anyone.
– Gildarda H.

Felicidades al Abogado Armand Jawanmardi que pone su interés del cliente en primer lugar. Él es una persona alta profesionalidad, carácter, y se preocupa por sus clientes. Gracias por el caso de mi miembro de la familia. Después de 7 meses de angustia y con la ayuda de Dios y de Armand conocimiento, pudo obtener mi libertad de la inmigración bajo custodia. Estoy tan agradecido a Armand por la labor que desempeñó en mi caso. Por fin puedo disfrutar de mi libertad y tengo Abogado Armand Jawanmardi a dar gracias por ello. Mejores deseos en su carrera profesional.
– Yillian M.
Best Lawyer You Will Find
I went to Armand Jawanmardi when I was desperate to fix my immigration status and my daughter’s and I had let too much time fly by that I really thought there was nothing that could be done.
When I first went to meet him I felt like I was talking to a friend one that truly cared. He immediately started my paperwork and throughout the entire process he kept me informed and kept answering all of my questions.
As a result my daughter and I are now Permanent Residents because of Armand’s wonderful work.
I would recommend his services to a friend and anyone who wants a powerful representation. He is the best!
– Marina
An Amazing Lawyer Who Works Hard and is Honest! Thank You Attorney Jawanmardi!
My wife and I met with Attorney Armand Jawanmardi after previously consulting with two other immigration attorneys in Houston. Both of those attorneys told us that my case would be impossible. They told us that I would never be able to prove that my marriage to my wife, and having two young children together, would be enough for the government to grant my adjustment of status application. When I asked them what we could do they each told us that we would need to pray that the government would one day in the future change immigration laws to approve my application. They said my case was IMPOSSIBLE because of my previous immigration issues.
From the moment we met with Attorney Jawanmardi we felt comfortable. He was honest, passionate, and confident. We felt we were in good hands and trusted him with our case. He would always call us to make sure we knew what was happening in our case. From the very beginning to the end, he was more than a lawyer to us, he was a friend.
About two weeks before my interview date came, I received my work permit. Attorney Jawanmardi then called us into his office to prepare for the interview. After we went to the interview, my application was approved the very next day and I became a lawful permanent resident of the United States!
This entire experience was overwhelming for me. I am full of so many emotions. I can now take my children to school without fear of being caught driving and deported, I can go out with my wife and have a good time with her in public without worrying whether I will be here the next day to continue our lives together, and I can finally get a job and legally work in the United States to support my family.
My life changed forever and I want to thank Attorney Jawanmardi for helping to give me a new life in the United States. I recommend him. He is an outstanding lawyer and a great person.
– Kenny
Hire Him, He is the Best
If you need a legal service, you should hire my Attorney Armand Jawanmardi. He is from Texas. He is the best, very professional. He took care of my Adjustment of Status case. He answers all the questions and everything we need to know, and when you email him, he answers right away. Thank you so much for your service. Texas I highly recommend Atty. Armand Jawanmardi.
– Jay E.